Saturday, July 23, 2011


It seems that all I say now is, "No. Get down." I am constantly taking them off the couch. Its all I do. The second I turn my back .... there they go! Its very frustrating. Because I just want to enjoy them and not discpline them all the time. We have everything blocked off and what not... even turned the couch around. But all they do is still get into trouble. And it seems constant because theres two of them. One will do it. I take her down then as soon as I do that the other one does the same thing and i have to take her down adn then the first one does it again... I love them... but any suggestions from twin parents????? How do you teach them to listen? (granted they are only 17 months) Or... when does this stage pass? When will they just sit there and not want to climb everything?

1 comment:

  1. that is so frustrating! Eli is the same way but I'm sure it's 10x worse with twins. you are so strong for being able to keep sane with it all! :)
