Eng 201 Sec 27
Brother Ward
May 28th 2010
In class we have talked about how there are several models in our lives. These models keep us in a box. We have to break these models to truly be happy and to truly learn and progress. In my youth I was always told what I should expect to find in my eternal companion. You know the list: RM, Eagle Scout, strong testimony, active in the church, worthy priesthood holder, and so forth. In Young Women’s we always had to write a list down about what we wanted in our eternal companion. They told me what my list should be- what qualities would make me happy. This list became a model to me. I wanted my husband to be all those things and that was very unrealistic. When I came to school here at BYU-I I started dating a lot. These guys fit the profile of what my list was but they were nothing that I wanted. They were too weird or too “friendly”. I was kind of frustrated that they met my list of A, B and C but they were not what I wanted. How could they fit the list but not make me happy? I was told this is what would make me happy.
I met my husband at work. Something about him captured my eye. I sat next to him and talked to him. I soon found out that he wasn’t anything that was on my list. He was currently living in his mom’s basement, didn’t have a license, no education, hadn’t served a mission, didn’t go to Church, was in trouble with the law, and he was even kind of scary looking, but he was an Eagle Scout. However, I could see his potential. I saw the light of Christ in his eyes. If I could just help him to reach his potential he’d be a 20 out of 10. Even though he wasn’t my list at that moment, there were still qualities on that list that I couldn’t do without. For instance, if my husband never came back to church I couldn’t have married him. He turned his life around and we were married in the Temple. If I had just looked for the guy that fit the list, I never would have considered my husband. One thing that was on my list is that he must be a dancer. I almost married a dancer. My husband is definitely not a dancer and thank goodness! After two years of marriage and observing guys who dance… well let’s just say I didn’t want a dancer. I wanted my husband. I was so right about his potential. He has grown so much and changed so much. I’m glad I left my model behind and got a new one. Because I love my husband and he is everything I ever wanted and didn’t even know it.
Kinda cheesy-- I know. We've been through so much in our short marriage--- it makes us stronger. (Even though we still fight like cats and dogs... we're working on that lol). I truly love him- he's my best friend.
i love you babe.